Lexus NX: System Description



(a) A maximum of 3 kinds of transmitter code based systems (example: garage doors, gates and entry gates) can be registered with the vehicle garage door opener. After registration, the vehicle garage door opener can mimic the signal of the transmitter systems and the original transmitters of each transmitter system are not needed.



REGISTRATION PROCEDURE 1. REGISTER TRANSMITTER CODE HINT: The vehicle garage door opener records transmitter codes for systems such as garage doors, gates, entry gates, door locks, home lighting sy

 On-vehicle Inspection

ON-VEHICLE INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1. INSPECT GARAGE DOOR OPENER (a) Press each switch and check that the red LED turns on. If one or more of the switches does not turn on the LED, check the condition

 Navigation / Multi Info Display


 CAN Communication Failure (Message Registry) (U1000)

DESCRIPTION This DTC is stored when the rear television camera assembly judges that it has an internal CAN malfunction. DTC No. Detection Item DTC Detection Condition Trouble Area U1000 CAN Communication Failure (Message Registry) Can communication failure (message registry) Rear


REMOVAL PROCEDURE 1. REMOVE FRONT FLOOR COVER CENTER LH Click here 2. REMOVE CHARCOAL CANISTER ASSEMBLY (a) Disconnect the connector from the canister pump module. *1 Vent Line Hose *2 Air Inlet Line Hose *3 Purge Line Hose *4 Retainer *a Pull Out

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